More Kanab, Utah area information:
Kanab City Government: kanab.utah.gov
Kane County Government: kane.utah.gov
Kanab City Visitor Information: visitkanab.info
Kane County Utah Travel Council: kaneutah.com
Kanab Chamber of Commerce: kanabchamber.com
Southern Utah News: sunews.net
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary: bestfriends.org
Kanab Area Vacation Guide: kanabguide.com
Western Legends: westernlegendsroundup.com
Department of Workforce Services: jobs.utah.gov
Quick Facts:
2000 Census Population: 4,492
Elevation: 4,950 feet
Average Temperatures:
Summer - high 93, low 58
Winter - high 47, low 22
Distance from Kanab (mi):
Salt Lake City 303
St George 83
Phoenix, AZ 345
Las Vegas, NV 203
Zion National Park 40
Lake Powell 73
Grand Staircase 14
Paria Movie Set 32
Coral Pink Sand Dunes 23
Kanab is the County Seat of Kane County